Tournament FAQs

Please arrive at least 30 minutes before your game begins
All-weather fields will continue (CPA/Weir) as long as it is safe.
All grass fields will continue as long as HRM does not close fields (we will try our best to reschedule). HRM Field Closures can be found HERE
If there are thunderstorms please see our ruling here: Click Here
BBQ & Canteen located at:
• Weir Field & CPA Field
Canteen ONLY
All Fields
• CPA / Bedford Hammonds Plains Field (Cash preferred)
All fields have Porta Potties with the exception of CPA Field - these washrooms are located inside the building.
Please see the rules & regulations: Click Here
Scores and Standings can be found on the Lives Scores page: Click Here
Please note: There may be a 30 min buffer time before uploading final scores.
You can access our rules and regulations here: Click Here
Please go find a field marshall at your field. They will be an individual wearing a tournament shirt!
Alternatively, you can contact us through our website. Response times may vary.
If you are interested in sponsoring the SFC Invitational, please email
We would like to recognize & thank our 2024 Sponsors:
Brightside Integrated Health
Atlantic Superstore
Boston Pizza
True North Diner